TonicEngine - A 2D Engine

Plus QBert!


A custom 2D engine written in C++ with a euphemism as its name (for the record, this doesn’t imply anything on behalf of the quality of the engine though). This project was a final assignment for the “Programming 4” course, with the goal of finishing the start of a given base engine, which was made to be bad on purpose and re-creating the famous QBert game using your own improved engine version. 

The engine supports a few neat features which make for the success of fun and nostalgic QBert and has been revisited a few times for refactoring/cleaning of the code. 



“Patterns?”, you might ask yourself. Yes, I’m referring to Game Programming Patterns, a highly recommended book I used as a help/reference for any situations that fitted my needs.

Main Menu
Level 1 - Requires 1 jump to light up cube
Level 2 - Requires 2 jumps to light up cube
Level 3 - Each jumps toggles the cube